Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Friday, November 30, 2007

Postponing our normal coffeetime for 12/1...

Just a quick note to say -- we're postponing the normal December 1st coffeetime at the cafe...

...in hopes someone has a much BETTER idea for something special here at Christmastime... say some Sunday afternoon?

Good ideas? Leave a comment below.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Carmel Women Tackle Mannequins At Mall

[press release received via email]


A group of Carmel mothers, incensed by what they see as pornographic displays, are turning up the heat on the Clay Terrace Mall (Carmel) and the Victoria’s Secret store located at Clay Terrace. After requesting that Victoria’s Secret change their large display windows to be less provocative, the Carmel women have been met with silence from Victoria’s Secret and lack of action from the mall management. The women have been contacting the store and mall management for over two years and they are angered by the lack of responsiveness they have received.

The Clay Terrace Mall Management has not mandated change since they do not believe Victoria’s Secret has broken any laws, codes or ordinances. Lori Baxter, spokesperson for the Carmel women, disagrees vehemently, citing Carmel City Ordinance (’91 Code, 6-46) 35-49-2-1:

“It shall be unlawful for any person to post in any conspicuous or public place within the City any obscene, lewd, indecent or lascivious drawing, photograph, or picture of an indecent or immoral nature…”

The Carmel women are angry that the display windows that they find offensive are located on the main street through the mall and easily visible to children and teens. They have requested that a reasonable compromise from Victoria’s Secret would involve clothing the window mannequins’ in pajamas, not the scanty, provocative items normally displayed.

“We are trying to raise our children to embrace the virtues of modesty and chastity. We are against displays and windows that objectify and degrade women, as we feel these Victoria’s Secret display windows do.” states Lori Baxter. “We are asking the Simon organization, Mayor Brainard and Victoria's Secret corp. to help us ensure our children and teens are not desensitized and exploited by mature sexualized images. There are studies that state that children exposed to sexual images are more likely to have sex."

Determined to make the Clay Terrace Mall a kid friendly place again, the Carmel women are currently conducting an email campaign directly to Mel Simon of Simon Malls, Mayor Jim Brainard of Carmel, Barbara Schick, Manager of Clay Terrace and Leslie Wexner, owner of Victoria’s Secret. Plans for a boycott and pickets during the important holiday retail rush in December are in the final stages of preparation."

Contact: Jenny DeHeer at 408-5566 or email her at jdeheer05@yahoo.com.

**** end of press release ****

Comments anyone?

Monday, November 19, 2007

State gets $20M to expand trails

Indiana is getting a big boost toward developing walking trails within reach of all Hoosiers, thanks to more than $20 million in federal beautification grants.

Six Indianapolis-area projects will receive nearly $5.5 million for various projects, including...

[continued at IndyStar.com]

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Roundabouts -- They're Not That Complicated


[ht: The Wyote Blog]

[Wyote excerpt... "All I’ve gotta say is that I love roundabouts, it almost makes it worth having Brainard as mayor of Carmel. I’m still trying to figure out how to pull off this stunt (see video below) in my Geo Prizm, but I’m afraid Carmel PD may not like it."]

Thursday, October 04, 2007

First-Saturday's Coffee-time... Oct. 6th

Reminder: Everyone welcome.... Come get to know friends & neighbors here in the general area.

Sat., 8am... at Paradise Bakery here at Clay Terrace.

Pat's going to have some type of inspirational discussion for us, and we're going to have some of our friends from 'the cafe' with us as well. Should be fun. Hope you can join us.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Carmel man frees lazy birds

We were ready to buy a new clothes dryer -- our original dryer just wasn't getting the job done.

Turns out, though, the only reason it wasn't drying, was..... birds had built a nice warm home inside our dryer vent. How convenient. They did use some traditional grass & twigs, but they also enjoyed the luxury of sitting on their nest and having our LINT come to them... without even having to work for it. LOL.

I write this not only to alert those of you who might also think it's time for a new washer/dryer set, but also to pass along a quick/easy fix... before our birds find YOUR home.

Just unscrew the vent-cover. Put some galvanized mesh (wire) as a screen inside the cover. And screw it back onto your house. Simple... if you know where to get the galvanized mesh.

And now you also know where to get some wire mesh... from me. Got a roll of it and only used a bird-sized piece for each of our two vents. Drop by... I'm in a good mood to share -- I just saved having to buy a new washer/dryer set.

Friday, July 06, 2007

'First Saturday'.... postponed for July

Note: Our normal 'First Saturday Coffeetime' is being postponed for the month of July... due to the recent passing of one of our dear neighbors, Mrs. Theresa Apraez. We will miss her greatly. Our thoughts & prayers continue to go out to her husband... our friend... Manuel... and his family.

[Next coffeetime will be Saturday, August 4th... 8am. See you then.]

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Kids... Oops... Every SUNDAY...

[We just received word that the previously-announced 'Saturday camp' is moving to Sundays.]

The Forest... at The ROCC... will be hosting a fun time for kids EVERY SUNDAY this summer...

Fun, food, songs and bible stories... 10am til noon... at River Oaks Community Church here in our area of Carmel. (Old Meridian and Main St).

Bus transportation may be available by calling... 575-9568.

The ROCC 'Sunday camp' program is open to 1st grade - 5th grade. Parents & siblings are welcome.

Call 575-9568 for more details.

Friday, June 01, 2007

June 2nd... 8am... Coffeetime

We hope you can join us for our monthly informal coffeetime together as neighbors in the general Clay Terrace area.

We meet on the FIRST Saturday of each month, 8am... at the Paradise Bakery. Some of us bring wireless laptops and are kind of geeky, while the others bring smiles and inspirational thoughts. Point is, to enjoy sharing life together here in our neighborhood area.

You'd fit right in.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Coffeetime... Sat., May 5th... 8am

Just a quick reminder -- It's coffeetime for any neighbors who'd like to get to know others here in the general Clay Terrace neighborhood area. Everyone welcome...

...this Saturday (5/5/2007)... 8am at Paradise Bakery.

A Sign of Thanks...

[Reminder... anyone can add pictures to the ClayTerrace collection of photos -- Just tag your photos with 'clayterrace'. Want help? Come to the 'First Saturday's Coffeetime'.]

We just wanted to post this as a special thanks to David Klingensmith, our Carmel Street Commissioner... for adding this sign recently.

It has now greatly reduced the unnecessarily traffic coming into our subdivision... (not to mention, our driveways).

Our children thank you, Mr. Klingensmith for making the subdivision safer as a result.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Van Go...

Recognize any of these 'Katrina' painters from our neighborhood?

[Visit Spring Break Serve blog.]

Friday, April 06, 2007

'First Saturday' Coffeetime... April 7th

Reminder: Our 'First Saturdays' coffeetime together, will be this Saturday... April 7th -- tomorrow -- Paradise Bakery, here in the ClayTerrace Mall.

8 a.m.... We'll be doing the normal catching up with each other. And one of the things we'll be talking about will be some tips about using...

Google Reader. If you're not yet familiar with it, it's a handy page to use to pull in the headlines & stories & new stuff from YOUR FAVORITE SITES. And there no doubt are other tips you can share with others as well.

Afterward, some of us will then be going down to the UBcafe area with some of the friends we've come to know, and we'll be helping them with a neighborhood cleanup there. Any of you are welcome to go along after our coffeetime.

So come join us for coffee -- it's open to everyone in the Clay Terrace area.

And as always... Even if you can't make it tomorrow... If you know of NEEDS in the neighborhood area... contact us... we always try to pray about such things, and would try to help somehow if we can.

Hope to see you tomorrow morning.

Red Robin comes bobbin' along... to Clay Terrace

The Colorado-based Red Robin Gourmet Burgers restaurant chain plans two locations in Carmel and one in Plainfield, signaling a return to Central Indiana.

[article continued at IndyStar.com]

[Also visit RedRobin.com]

Friday, March 02, 2007

First Saturday Coffeetime... Mar. 3

Reminder: Our 'First Saturdays' coffeetime together, will be this Saturday -- yikes, that's tomorrow -- Paradise Bakery, here in the ClayTerrace Mall.

8 a.m.... We'll be doing the normal catching up with each other. And Pat has prepared something inspirational for us as well.

So come join us for coffee -- it's open to everyone in the Clay Terrace area.

And as always... Even if you can't make it tomorrow... If you know of NEEDS in the neighborhood area... contact us... we always try to pray about such things, and would try to help somehow if we can.

Hope to see you tomorrow morning.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Portrait Studio Celebrates, Expands

CARMEL -- Celebrity Kids Portrait Studios, 14300 Clay Terrace Blvd., will celebrate the Indianapolis Colts' AFC Championship win by offering a free portrait session and portrait to any customer wearing Colts gear today through Sunday.

[continued at Topics.com]

Whole Foods will purchase Wild Oats

INDIANAPOLIS - It remains to be seen just how the merger of two leading organic grocery stores will play out in Indianapolis, but this type of store is gaining interest in the city.

[continued at WISHTV.com]

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Twelve inches of snow.... so far...

Originally uploaded by indycoach.
It's a small price to pay, to get to live here in the Clay Terrace neighborhood.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Super Snow Colts !

Originally uploaded by indycoach.
7 inches of snow... is just icing on the cake... when you're home to the Super Colts Champions !

Monday, January 29, 2007

Super Saturday

Reminder: 'First Saturdays Coffee"... Feb. 3rd

This will be a Super Saturday coffeetime at the Paradise Bakery this time.
  • Colts Gear Only.
  • No Bears Fans Allowed (to talk).... Gerald!!! LOLLLL
  • We'll have a new dvd of some personal stories of some Colts players and Coach Dungy.

Also... graphics artist Ellen Spencer will be with us, before her Flickr Day presentation [down at the inner-city cafe where some of us go help frequently]. So if you have questions about digital cameras or how to get your pictures onto the web to share at the #1 website... Flickr.com... Saturday will be a great day to ask.

Or better yet, also come be with us and help-out down at the Unleavened Bread Cafe... noon til 2pm as we do the full presentation & training.

"So You Wanna Be In Pictures?" -- Flickr training. Learn how to get your digital photos onto your computer, edit them and/or uploaded to the internet (free & easy), so you easily share them with your friends & neighbors. Example: Here are some pictures from Clay Terrace uploaded by various people... at Flickr.com.

And share your internet skills with others. If you can surf and do email, you're a step-up on many of our inner-city friends who don't even have internet access. So come make friends among some folks who'll appreciate your friendship and help.

Friday, January 05, 2007

"First Saturdays" Coffeetime... Jan. 6th

Reminder: Our 'First Saturdays' coffeetime together, will be this Saturday -- yikes, that's tomorrow -- Paradise Bakery, here in the ClayTerrace Mall.

8 a.m.... We'll be doing the normal catching up with each other... And in particular, we'll be discussing New Year's Resolutions... and how we can help each other KEEP our resolutions. **smile**

So come join us -- it's open to everyone with an interest in the Clay Terrace area.

And as always... Even if you can't make it tomorrow... If you know of NEEDS in the neighborhood area... contact us... we always try to pray about such things, and would try to help somehow if we can.

Hope to see you tomorrow morning.