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Clay Terrace Community... "Sharing Life Together"
For up-to-the-minute news, follow our @ClayTerrace twitter-feed!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving !
And here are some interesting links re Thanksgiving, including a story for children (and adults).... "The Miracle of Thanksgiving". And you're welcome to leave a comment below with other great links you know of.
Blessings everyone!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
December 'Coffee-time' with Santa...
Come join us. We're do coffee there... (while we help **smile**). Bring your kids & grandkids.
Breakfast with Santa... Saturday, December 2nd
"Breakfast with Santa"
One of our community's 'warmest churches' is hosting a Free Breakfast with Santa, Saturday, Dec. 2nd, 8:30am to 11:30am.
It'll be a great time for the kids (and those of us who enjoy seeing our kids have a great time.)
River Oaks Community Church
13200 N. Old Meridian St., Carmel
[Old Meridian x Main Stree (map)]
For more information call
[This happens to be where we attend church. But we'd also be happy to post other special charitable events like this. Let me know. Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays!]
Sunday, October 08, 2006
New truck lane opens at Clay Terrace
This week, a truck driver blazed a new trail from Rt. 31/Meridian into the backyard of the neighborhood.
Friday, October 06, 2006
'First Saturday' Coffeetime... Oct. 7th
Don't forget... 8am... Paradise Bakery in the Clay Terrace Mall.... Saturday, Oct. 7th.
Mrs. Walter will be sharing some stories from the early days of Walters Plaza, the former neighborhood area now called Clay Terrace.
And Pat will be sharing some devotional thoughts to discuss.
Everyone is warmly welcome. Come listen, ask questions. Learn more about our history and help build our future together.
See you there!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Clay Terrace firm to solve voice-mail jail
Interaction is a marriage of humans and computers that allows customers of companies to ditch what's called voice-mail jail and talk to a computer that talks back like a human. Its founder is Michael Cloran.
Cloran was attracted to Indiana by cost-of-living, a friendly business environment and nearby universities. According to technology enterpreneur Scott Jones, Indiana gains a new player in the high-tech sector the state craves. "Creating this critical mass allows us to have acceleration of our high-tech industry in Indiana," Jones said.
[continued at WTHR TV]
Friday, September 01, 2006
'First-Saturday Coffee'... Sept. 2nd
Don't forget... 8am... Paradise Bakery in the Clay Terrace Mall.... Saturday, Sept. 2nd.
This time, we'll do a little online surfing together -- especially to give you some inside-information regarding the 'SAVI' system mentioned in the blog-post below. It'll give you a chance to see the types of neighborhood information becoming increasingly available via the web.
And Gerald agreed to provide a short inspirational lesson we can discuss together.
Everyone is warmly welcome. See you there!
Community Research Conference... Sept. 22nd
The September 22nd 'SAVI Users Conference' provides an opportunity to learn about new tools in SAVI, discover how other users have harnessed the power of SAVI through new approaches, and participate in discussions about how SAVI can help your organization better understand its community.
It also is a great place for people new to SAVI to learn how it can help your organization.
Choose from several interactive and hands-on breakout sessions throughout the day and learn how SAVI can help you.
Friday, August 04, 2006
First Saturday Coffeetime
Don't forget... 8am... Paradise Bakery in the Clay Terrace Mall.... Saturday, August 5th.
Everyone is warmly welcome. See you there!
FHL Slide-Show
Click to see the photo album from "Faith Hope & Love Week" here in the metro area, including a ton of work in Carmel.
Monday, July 24, 2006
'Community Prayer-mobile' coming to Clay Terrace... July 25th
The "Faith Hope & Love" Prayer Trailer, a 50-foot state-of-the-art Mobile Chapel which will offer visitors the opportunity to pray and seek intercession at various locations throughout FHL Week, will be parked at the Clay Terrace Mall on Tuesday, from 3pm til 7pm.
Click for close-up of tech set-up.
The sponsors include: Helping Hands Ministries, Alphonso Bailey Ministries, Young Life, Shepherd Community, Kairos Prison Ministry, and Truth @ Work.
So come visit. Say a prayer for our community. 4 out of 5 adults pray each week. We all need it. Or have someone pray with you. It will bless your life.... So bring your children -- bless the little ones too in this unique way.
Visit 'Faith Hope & Love' website to learn more, and see how you can volunteer this week in this unique metro-wide effort.
Interview: Mayor Brainard... on "Faith Hope & Love Week"
Below are some comments from Mayor Brainard...
ANSWER - I felt it was important to proclaim July 30th as Faith, Hope and Love Day in the City of Carmel because I believe very deeply in the mission of the Faith, Hope and Love organization. At this time of war, I think it is especially important that community members’ come together for a common goal, to serve one another in Faith, Hope and Love.
ANSWER – What appeals to me most about FHL is that it includes other community organizations in carrying out its mission. FHL matches different organizations with volunteer opportunities according to the needs of the community. This eliminates any feelings of competition or resentment because everyone is invited to be a part of the Faith, Hope and Love activities.
ANSWER – FHL is different from other community organizations in that it “seeks to break down man’s walls of separation between churches, races, social status, government and education to unite people to show the compassion we were all created to give on another.” I am not aware of any other community organization with such an all-encompassing mission statement. FHL truly aspires to include all.
ANSWER – FHL provides an outlet for community members to work first-hand to assist others in the community. I think it will be very positive not only for those receiving the assistance but also for those volunteering for the effort. I think people will walk away feeling more a part of the community-at-large after seeing the results of their efforts.
ANSWER – Citizens should get involved in FHL activities because it is an opportunity for them to give back to their community in a positive way. We are a spectator society in that we are so accustomed to electronic media that we often take a back seat in the actual workings of the community. This is a chance to be a part of something larger than oneself and experience the benefits first-hand.
ANSWER – Government and social service organizations can only do so much with the available resources to help those in need in the community. By making the community aware of the FHL mission, it encourages people to become more involved by volunteering their own talents.
ANSWER – The involvement of corporate entities in Faith, Hope and Love Day benefits both the corporation as well as the community they are located. It gives them a positive attitude toward their work and how it affects the community. It also encourages its employees to become involved in their free time.
ANSWER – I would like to see the citizens of Carmel continue to seek out opportunities to help others in the mission of Faith, Hope and Love. It is good for all of us to step outside our daily routine and realize that there are many people in need around us at all times. It is a shame that it takes a day dedicated to this for people to take notice but it is a start. Once people start to recognize the needs of others in the community, I think they will find themselves becoming more involved on a regular basis. I believe that the participants will receive far more than they give.
Visit FHLcommunity.org and see how YOU can be involved this week. The local coordinator for the Carmel area is Paul Backer, Carmel Christian Church. 317/846-1230
Friday, June 30, 2006
First-Saturday Coffeetime... July 1st...
8 a.m.... THIS Saturday (July 1st)... is our monthly coffeetime together here in the Clay Terrace area. Everyone's welcome as always. Besides the normal chit-chat, and catching up on the latest in the neighborhood area, the topic this month -- in honor of 'Independence Day' -- is "Peace".
So come enjoy sharing life together here. Who knows, maybe we'll even solve the issue of 'world peace'. We can at least do our part. **smile**
And as always, let us know about any special needs in the area. We'd like to pray about them, and help find solutions if possible.
See you there... at Paradise Bakery, in the Clay Terrace Mall.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
What Movies & Email-Forwards Have In Common
I don't pay a lot of attention to either.
I get a ton of forwarded-email from all sorts of well-meaning folks. Even my mom.
I pay 'virtually' no attention to them. [pun slightly intended]
And sorry, Mom. But they usually turn out to be hoaxes, do they not?
Where SHOULD we, or anyone, go for Truth?
A good friend reminded me yesterday that the Treasury Department advises us that if you want to know whether something is counterfeit... you need to compare it against the genuine thing. That's good advice. Click the image at left, to stay in touch with the ongoing discussion... comparing the DaVinci movie with the genuine thing.
And remember: We're going to be discussing the movie/book "DaVinci Code" at our next 'First Saturday Coffee'... June 3rd. 8am. At Paradise Bakery, here in the Clay Terrace Mall. See you then.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Tourism Prize-Patrol Coming To Clay Terrace
May 18... 11am-3pm... Clay Terrace Lifestyle Center, 14300 Clay Terrace Blvd.
[Full Story]
Sunday, May 14, 2006
The Motherhood Development Chart
Childhood development charts that help new parents track every burp, gurgle and coo of a new baby are bountiful and plenty. It’s motherhood development charts that are hard to come by. Experience tells me that a reliable one would go something like this:
Week 1: The new mother may cry if over- or under-stimulated. Complains about not being able to find things. Like her waistline. On average, awake for 22 hours a day, but alert for only two. Head bobs forward in sitting position, especially after 7 o’clock at night.
Week 2: ... [continued]
Friday, May 05, 2006
Reminder: "First Saturday Coffee"... May 6
Just a quick reminder re "First Saturdays Coffee" tomorrow, 8am at Paradise Bakery in Clay Terrace Mall.
Normal stuff... enjoy coffee... eating together... catch up on neighborhood news... discuss a book or topic... pray for our community. Then go home and cut grass. **smile**
Tomorrow Pat will be leading as we finish up our discussion of the "Purpose Driven Life" book.
Oh, and here's a note re NEXT MONTH... (June 3rd)... We plan to discuss the curious new movie coming out... 'DaVinci Code'. So if you're planning on seeing it, then specially plan on being with us next month too. We'd like to hear your take on it. [And tomorrow, we'll have a 'movie companion guide' with some info about it, in case you're interested on more info as you go see it. Or even if you don't go see it.]
As always, feel free to use the egroup, or ClayTerrace.org, to better 'share life together'. Or contact us you know of special needs in our general neighborhood. We'd try to help.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Websites Changing Home-Buying
Listings of real estate for sale on Craigslist, a popular Web site featuring free classified ads, rose to 335,126 in March, more than triple the level of a year earlier.
Google, meanwhile...
[continued at IndyStar.com]
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Pat & Luanna... Katrina Relief

"This is the story of an adventure being lived out by twenty nine people who have come together intentionally for a week. Each of us has given up our spring vacations to travel sixteen hours away to live in marginal conditions to serve those less fortunate in some ways than ourselves. Last summer, Hurricane Katrina devastated the coasts of Louisiana and Mississippi. Thousands lost their homes. All that remains of some houses are foundations. Others are severely damaged, many beyond repair. Some people have left forever, while others live in temporary trailers.
We have come in the spirit of the early Christian church..."
[continued at Katrina Family Trip blog]
Thursday, March 30, 2006
First Saturdays... Coffee at Paradise Bakery
8 a.m... April 1st. [no foolin!]
Come have coffee and a muffin. Enjoy catchin' up on the latest in the neighborhood area, and getting to know one another. Find out what's new? Who's going where? Who sold what for how much? And who just broke what?
We'll continue to discuss the "Purpose Driven Life".
And of course, we're anxious to know of any special needs in the area that perhaps we could somehow help with. If you know of such needs, you're welcome to email me or call (490-1255).
This week, some of our friends from the little cafe in the 'hood, are coming up specially to be with us. Get a little taste of 'Carmel'. They're neat people -- hope you'll get to meet them.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Monon Trail Newsletter, Spring 2006
"A special THANKS goes out to the Webber family
who have devised a unique and valuable way for all
trails users to get involved with their favorite trail –
it’s the new Trail Adoption Program!
Right now, most of the trail 'adopters'...
[continue (.pdf)]
Friday, March 03, 2006
"Just the coffee" ???
8:00 a.m. at the Paradise Bakery @ Clay Terrace.
As we begin reviewing the best-seller, "Purpose Driven Life", we'll be addressing the introductory question of the book... "What on earth am I here for?"
And if your answer to that question is... "just the coffee".... LOL... that's ok too. Come.
We welcome all neighbors in the Clay Terrace area. [Aw, what the heck... we welcome EVERYONE. **smile**]
And as always, any needs in the neighborhood... let us know how we can pray for you, or help.
Or anything else you'd like to have posted at ClayTerrace.org... advise. Homes for sale? Lease? Looking for a lawn guy? Garage-sale date? Email us.
See you tomorrow morning...
[P.S. If any of you might be thinking, "Hey I'd really like to be included, but I just can't make it on Saturday mornings."... let us know what evening you could commit to. We might fire up a 2nd coffee-klatch group. Anyone?]
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Friday, February 03, 2006
1st-Saturday Coffee-time postponed to March 4th...
In March, we'll begin discussing the first 5 chapters of the best-selling book, "Purpose Driven Life". So buy your copy (available at many of the superstores) and start reading -- they're short chapters intended to be read one-per-day. See what you think. Bring your thoughts to the table next month. Everyone warmly welcome. See you at Paradise Bakery in the Clay Terrace Mall... 8am on March 4th.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Here, Kitty, Kitty?
Thursday, January 05, 2006
New Year's Coffee?
Reminder: this Saturday, Jan. 7th...
Come join us at the neighborhood coffee shop...
Every 1st Saturday... 8 a.m.,
at Paradise Bakery at Clay Terrace Mall
'First Saturdays Coffee & Conversation'
As always, we chat about a number of things. One of the things we've been talking about is how to help each other sharpen our Spanish/English skills to enhance communications. If you could help with that, or be helped by that, it'd be worth the price of coffee to hear from you.
As always, our informal time each month is to enjoy sharing life together and building a great little niche community. Catch up on the latest each month. Just have some fun together.
And as always, for anyone that wants to stay a while longer...
Afterwards… at 9 a.m.
'Community Care Group'
Some of us stick around for another cup of coffee, to pause and ask about special needs among us -- our own mini-Katrinas . Pray for those needs and try to find some ways to help, in a "Love your neighbor as yourself" sort of way.
Here in the New Year as everyone is thinking about new goals they'd like to pursue for 2006... we'll talk about possibly reading/discussing the popular book, "Purpose Driven Life". It's now in its 154th week as #1 on the New York Times Best Seller List ('Advice' category).
And throughout the month… ClayTerrace.org
As you see, ClayTerrace.org has now taken on a 'blog' format. A neighborhood newsletter of a sort -- but with the ability to leave comments, questions, suggestions, and active links to news, sports, events, that might be of interest among us. We can talk more about all this over coffee on Saturday. Btw, if you have a laptop, bring it -- Paradise Bakery is wireless! Or for that matter, if you have internet questions, we might all be able to learn a lot from each other.
Then… let's do it all over again next month…
"First Saturday Coffee & Conversation"
P.S.... Since we have new neigbhors and not everyone is yet on the email list -- please help us get the word out. Also, if you can't come, but you have special needs we might be able to help with, let us know.