Saturday, January 14, 2006

Here, Kitty, Kitty?

Anyone calling your semi-large, very friendly, golden, ring-tailed kitty with a lighter-colored tail... and he/she won't come? [contact us]

Thursday, January 05, 2006

New Year's Coffee?

Reminder: this Saturday, Jan. 7th...

Come join us at the neighborhood coffee shop...

Every 1st Saturday... 8 a.m.,
at Paradise Bakery at Clay Terrace Mall
'First Saturdays Coffee & Conversation'

As always, we chat about a number of things. One of the things we've been talking about is how to help each other sharpen our Spanish/English skills to enhance communications. If you could help with that, or be helped by that, it'd be worth the price of coffee to hear from you.

As always, our informal time each month is to enjoy sharing life together and building a great little niche community. Catch up on the latest each month. Just have some fun together.

And as always, for anyone that wants to stay a while longer...

Afterwards… at 9 a.m.
'Community Care Group'

Some of us stick around for another cup of coffee, to pause and ask about special needs among us -- our own mini-Katrinas . Pray for those needs and try to find some ways to help, in a "Love your neighbor as yourself" sort of way.

Here in the New Year as everyone is thinking about new goals they'd like to pursue for 2006... we'll talk about possibly reading/discussing the popular book, "Purpose Driven Life". It's now in its 154th week as #1 on the New York Times Best Seller List ('Advice' category).

And throughout the month…

As you see, has now taken on a 'blog' format. A neighborhood newsletter of a sort -- but with the ability to leave comments, questions, suggestions, and active links to news, sports, events, that might be of interest among us. We can talk more about all this over coffee on Saturday. Btw, if you have a laptop, bring it -- Paradise Bakery is wireless! Or for that matter, if you have internet questions, we might all be able to learn a lot from each other.

Then… let's do it all over again next month…
"First Saturday Coffee & Conversation"

P.S.... Since we have new neigbhors and not everyone is yet on the email list -- please help us get the word out. Also, if you can't come, but you have special needs we might be able to help with, let us know.