Monday, July 24, 2006

'Community Prayer-mobile' coming to Clay Terrace... July 25th

The "Faith Hope & Love" Prayer Trailer, a 50-foot state-of-the-art Mobile Chapel which will offer visitors the opportunity to pray and seek intercession at various locations throughout FHL Week, will be parked at the Clay Terrace Mall on Tuesday, from 3pm til 7pm.

Click for close-up of tech set-up.

The sponsors include: Helping Hands Ministries, Alphonso Bailey Ministries, Young Life, Shepherd Community, Kairos Prison Ministry, and Truth @ Work.

So come visit. Say a prayer for our community. 4 out of 5 adults pray each week. We all need it. Or have someone pray with you. It will bless your life.... So bring your children -- bless the little ones too in this unique way.

Visit 'Faith Hope & Love' website to learn more, and see how you can volunteer this week in this unique metro-wide effort.

"Real people. Real needs. Real life."

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