Saturday, January 22, 2005

Volunteering to Help Teach Computer Skills...

U. B. bloggin'

Want to put your skills to work? Chances are, your worst computer skills are still better than those left behind by the 'digital divide' -- the widening disparity between the 'haves' and the 'have-nots'.

There's a great little Christian cafe in the heart of 'the hood', where we do informal computer training... just sharing with others what we learned from someone else. Our goals are simple: To develop the 3 basic capabilities of the internet... in just 3 weeks. Unbelievable? Come see for yourself as you simply help others do what you may have just learned yourself. It's fun... and it's a chance to expand our friendships among folks there who welcome you with open arms. [continued at 'U. B. Bloggin']

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Community Basketball...

Here at the start of another new year, perhaps making resolutions and thinking about goals for ourselves or our children, I'm reminded of this great community asset... the Indiana Basketball Academy. There's nobody I'd rather entrust my kids to than Tom Abernethy to learn bball skills and important life values.