"First Saturdays Coffee In The Neighborhood"
8:00 a.m. at the Paradise Bakery @ Clay Terrace.
8:00 a.m. at the Paradise Bakery @ Clay Terrace.
As we begin reviewing the best-seller, "Purpose Driven Life", we'll be addressing the introductory question of the book... "What on earth am I here for?"
And if your answer to that question is... "just the coffee".... LOL... that's ok too. Come.
We welcome all neighbors in the Clay Terrace area. [Aw, what the heck... we welcome EVERYONE. **smile**]
And as always, any needs in the neighborhood... let us know how we can pray for you, or help.
Or anything else you'd like to have posted at ClayTerrace.org... advise. Homes for sale? Lease? Looking for a lawn guy? Garage-sale date? Email us.
See you tomorrow morning...
[P.S. If any of you might be thinking, "Hey I'd really like to be included, but I just can't make it on Saturday mornings."... let us know what evening you could commit to. We might fire up a 2nd coffee-klatch group. Anyone?]
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