Sunday, March 15, 2020

Moving our Friday Bible-study coffee-time --> to Zoom. Join us!

Our Fridays @ClayTerrace Bible-study & coffee-time is now moving to Zoom... the video-conference platform. 

How many of you remember the tv show 'Brady Bunch' and its opening song & 'brady-bunch' screen?  Well that's pretty much how Zoom will look when you join with others here in the area to read & ask questions about the Bible passage we're on.

We'd love to have you join us -- especially during this unique situation we're in, when we could ALL use a little more hope & encouragement.  I could.  How about you?  *smile*

Btw, we're comprised of folks from different churches.  Even a couple or three pastors from different churches.  So it's a diverse group, with some diverse points-of-view.  And we have fun being 'together'.

So here's the info:

It will be easy to participate: We'll open the zoom meeting room every Friday at 7:30am (Eastern). Come in anytime, get to know others -- check your technology, etc. Bible-study starts promptly at 8am (Eastern).  
Just hit this link... 
and/or call-in using 646-558-8656  
Meeting ID 2093984409

Tip:  If you log-in with your computer FIRST, you’ll likely see a Participant #__.
Then, when calling in, after entering the Meeting #,
you can also enter that Participant # 
that will coordinate your video/audio together.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

#Neighboring .. during COVID-19 situation

Hope you all will weather this situation well, and together, looking out for each other, now in our smaller, more close-to-home relationships.  Amen?

So hey, reach out to your neighbors and get textable or emailable contact info.  Then check in on your neighbors from time to time, for encouragement and for actionable caring.

For instance, my sister (in another city) has a "stoep-drop" protocol with her friends & neighbors.  As needed, friends can easily drop off needed food or supplies.

We would be interested in your best-practices as you come up with some.  Comment below, or drop me a line...

Be blessed, all.  And know we're here for you, as best we possibly can.  #bettertogether

-neil  (Phpns4)

P.S... Oh, and be sure to watch our @ClayTerrace twitter-feed in the sidebar -->
That is always the freshest info for us.