Monday, May 26, 2008

Access Points for Route 31?

[from the Indianapolis Star...]

Providing the easiest access to the cluster of commercial establishments and busy roads near 146th Street is proving to be a key challenge for engineers designing a project to renovate U.S. 31 into a limited-access highway.

Project managers from the Indiana Department of Transportation and two engineering firms met Tuesday with Hamilton County Commissioners to discuss options for interchanges between Range Line Road and 151st Street...

[continued at]

Friday, May 02, 2008

Reminder: 'First Saturday Coffeetime'... May 3rd

May 3rd is our 'First Saturdays Coffeetime' here in the neighborhood.

Everyone in the general area is welcome at this informal coffee time together. [And the only valid excuse is 'running the mini'. **smile**]

Hope you can join us.

9:00am, Paradise Bakery, Clay Terrace Mall.

Topic: Hoping we can settle on a particular candidate for Tuesday's primary. LOL

With the politicians showing up everywhere else in town, who knows but what we'll have a surprise guest (or two?). [**justkidding**]